What is Myopia?

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a common vision problem that will affect half the world’s
by 2050. It occurs when the eye is unable to focus on distant objects without corrective
lenses like glasses or contacts. Myopia is caused by a variety of factors, including genetic and
environmental factors, and tends to worsen with age.
To understand how myopia develops, knowing how your eyes work together with the rest of the body to
see is helpful. The eye has two main parts: the sclera, which is the outer layer, and the retina, which is
the inner layer. The cornea, a clear dome that covers most of the front part of the eye, helps protect the
eye from dust and germs. Light enters through the cornea and is converted into electric signals by the
rods and cones in the retina. These signals are sent to the brain through optic nerve fibers, where they
are interpreted as the images, we see every day.

Is Myopia Genetic?

If you’re thinking about myopia, knowing if it’s genetic is essential. If you happen to be myopic, then
your kids might be at risk of developing the same condition.
Myopia has two types: genetic and non-genetic (or “acquired”). Genetic myopia is passed down through
families and tends to run in certain clusters or patterns. Non-genetic means that individuals develop
their vision issues without any family history or a genetic predisposition toward poor vision.
In general, suppose both parents have healthy eyesight but have children with poor vision (without any
other eye problems). It’s likely that those kids were born with a form of genetic myopia known as Axial
(AM). About half of all cases fall into this category!

Why Does Myopia Get Worse with Age?

There are several reasons why your myopia may get worse as you age. The first and most apparent is that the lens inside your eye becomes thinner with time. This causes it to lose elasticity and become less able to focus correctly on objects at a distance. Another reason for this is that as we age, we start losing corneal tissue due to natural wear and tear. This makes our corneal curvature less steep, affecting our ability to see clearly at long distances.

Another factor contributing to the worsening of nearsightedness is increased pressure inside the eye (IOP) caused by glaucoma or macular degeneration. Increased IOP causes fluid leakage into surrounding tissues, leading to swelling and softening of collagen fibers in the front part of the eye’s optical system, resulting in blurred vision or blindness if left untreated.

How to Stop Myopia from Getting Worse with Age

To prevent myopia from getting worse with age, it’s important to get regular eye exams, wear glasses when necessary, and avoid activities that can cause eye strain. If you’re concerned about your eyesight, it’s always a good idea to schedule a consultation.


Myopia is a common vision problem that affects millions of people worldwide. It is caused by a variety of factors, including genetics and environmental factors, and tends to worsen with age. The key to properly treating myopia and preventing it from worsening is by catching it early, typically in childhood. By following the tips mentioned above, you can help prevent myopia from getting worse and maintain good eye health.

Let Us Help Your Child Manage Myopia

We offer customized contact lenses and special prescription eye drops, and we develop personalized treatment plans for each child. We will be able to determine which treatment plan works the best for your child at the first consultation with Dr. Jodie West. Schedule a consultation now to find out more.